Woodpecker banging his head 20 times each second. However, muscle, bone and eyelids protect this little bird.
Dense and strong muscles in the neck woodpecker pecks empowers many times. Extra muscle in the bird's head make this bird does not feel pain. This muscle acts like a protective helmet of the brain.
Dense and strong muscles in the neck woodpecker pecks empowers many times. Extra muscle in the bird's head make this bird does not feel pain. This muscle acts like a protective helmet of the brain.

Unlike the human brain, brain woodpeckers 'guarded' tight muscles and bones of the head. This makes the avian brain was shaking while pecking the tree branches. Sepermilidetik before peck, this bird berkonstraksi muscle.
Then followed the closure of the eyelids. Eyelid functions like a seat belt eyes, said ophthalmolog Ivan Schwab of the University of California Davis. "Without the extra petals, the retina of birds can be broken or out."
'Equipment' safety is very important for the male woodpecker pecks 12,000 times each day during the mating season. These birds just pecked by patukan straight on the tree. This bird is to prevent trauma to the head by moving from one side to another.
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